Saturday, January 27, 2007


صَمَم إلى يأس إلى انتحار
و جنون القهقهات
و عذاب الاختيار


فشل إلى نجاح إلى انكسار
و فى لحظة الموت
تلتمس راحة الفرار


و إذا تكلموا


و وسط هذا الهدير
و هلاوس مريضة, بداخلك
تنسج خيوط المكيدة

و وسط هذا الهدير
تكسر قضبان السجون
لتخرج طاقات فن
أصابها مَسُُ...من جنون

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Back from the dead/the new year/tagged and other crap

Um back to my sweet blog again.
I've decided earlier that i'll take a break till the 24th of January, but just like any other decision i've decided lately..I didnt stick to it...
I've been checking some blogs but i didnt comment on any, out of being in the "lazy/not in the mood" phase.
But now um back, got my engines on and all

Didnt get the chance to tell y'all Happy Eid and Happy New Year so here i am saying it...
Actually it's been a lousy year, and um not regretting that it ended.
My mood was down like hell most of the time, and i had the strongest depressions since years...
Some small happy events i remember like the concert day, aqua park, mounir's new year's concert and...and that's it..
The only two good things were getting closer to my family, and discovering that i have the best friends ever -i really do-. They were just utterly and completely there. My handasa friends, the guys from elbashawat, even those i knew only this year through blogging or watever. I just wanna thank u guys -too weird that my so-called close friends didnt care that much-

bout kelma's tag, fana kont mmken ara7'em we 2asammeg 3aleek we arza3lak kam kanoon steel we ala7'as bas 2ollt balash..we bema enny mesh ba2rah fe 7aga mo3ayana now fa 2olt akteblak men a7'er 7aga kont ba2raha

مستهزئا من هذه الحواجز المصطنعة
من هذه الممالك المخترعة
من هذه الملابس الضيقة, المضحكة

من المختار من شعر سعاد الصباح

we ne7eb nelabes meen fel7eet??? mashy,
frozen love, the "two pairs of eyes" gals, numb OR any other brat who'd like to brag and show us wat he's reading
eih da?? i didnt say wat the tag was: write down the three lines after the first five lines on page 123 from any book u're reading now
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