Monday, June 26, 2006
la2 bgad, say3a
zay ay saye3 mo7taref, ramet elbo2een elly 3ayza te2olhom we katet.
we sabetny ana ba2a fate7 bo22y we mesh mesada2 enny mesh 3aref arod delwa2ty.
we sabetny ana ba2a fate7 bo22y we mesh mesada2 enny mesh 3aref arod delwa2ty.
Sunday, June 25, 2006
Digging deep "i dont need no sympathy of urs"
have u ever noticed that EVIL is LIVE in backwards??
a simple truth tht i've discovered this morning, and it really freaked me out...
so is it true that u should b evil to survive?
cuz if its true then thank GOD cuz there's plenty on the inside..
but um i really that evil?
um i evil in the first place? or um i still this little innocent kid?
or is it the wicked him inside of me raging against the innocent one?
mayb it aint this nor that..and its only me pretending...
mayb this psycho boy is a mask that i wear everynight just to b be different
DAMMIT...all of this brainstorming is in vain?all the papers filled with bullshit r just fake?
am i going crazy?
is it that bad to b insane?
isnt insanity a salvation from all of this?
a really bitter sweet salvation...a sarcastic one?
like fate is telling u 'u needed a salvation? then here goes urs'...
still cant figure out who's the real me...
22 years and still dunnno myself...
since i was 17 and i've been ruining every sweet memory and every innocent moment by this nonsense...
could it b fake in the end?
a simple truth tht i've discovered this morning, and it really freaked me out...
so is it true that u should b evil to survive?
cuz if its true then thank GOD cuz there's plenty on the inside..
but um i really that evil?
um i evil in the first place? or um i still this little innocent kid?
or is it the wicked him inside of me raging against the innocent one?
mayb it aint this nor that..and its only me pretending...
mayb this psycho boy is a mask that i wear everynight just to b be different
DAMMIT...all of this brainstorming is in vain?all the papers filled with bullshit r just fake?
am i going crazy?
is it that bad to b insane?
isnt insanity a salvation from all of this?
a really bitter sweet salvation...a sarcastic one?
like fate is telling u 'u needed a salvation? then here goes urs'...
still cant figure out who's the real me...
22 years and still dunnno myself...
since i was 17 and i've been ruining every sweet memory and every innocent moment by this nonsense...
could it b fake in the end?
Friday, June 23, 2006
بلا رجعة
...و اذ أجلس جوار جسدها المسجى
أسكب فى أذنيها كل كلام الحب الذى لم أستطع قوله من قبل
أهمس لها بشوقى الدفين
...أهمس لها بكل عذاباتى السابقة
أحكى لها كم بكيت هذا اليوم الذى ظللت صامتا فيه
كم بقيت ألوم نفسى على حماقتى و ترددى
...و اذ أجلس جوار جسدها المسجى
أنتظر ردا لن يأتى ابدا
تسقط دمعتان من عينى و أنا أودعها
لتذهب, بلا رجعة
أسكب فى أذنيها كل كلام الحب الذى لم أستطع قوله من قبل
أهمس لها بشوقى الدفين
...أهمس لها بكل عذاباتى السابقة
أحكى لها كم بكيت هذا اليوم الذى ظللت صامتا فيه
كم بقيت ألوم نفسى على حماقتى و ترددى
...و اذ أجلس جوار جسدها المسجى
أنتظر ردا لن يأتى ابدا
تسقط دمعتان من عينى و أنا أودعها
لتذهب, بلا رجعة
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
Evil, the devil within me
In you, i'll conquer
In you, i'll spread
In you, i'll murmur
In you, i'll devastate
You are where i was born...
In you, i'll carve
In you, i'll corrupt
In you, i'll whisper
In you, i'll hurt
You are where i grew...
In you, i'll crack
In you, i'll writhe
In you, i'll scream
In you, i'll rot
You are my coffin...
In you, i'll die
By you i was beaten
In you, i'll spread
In you, i'll murmur
In you, i'll devastate
You are where i was born...
In you, i'll carve
In you, i'll corrupt
In you, i'll whisper
In you, i'll hurt
You are where i grew...
In you, i'll crack
In you, i'll writhe
In you, i'll scream
In you, i'll rot
You are my coffin...
In you, i'll die
By you i was beaten
Monday, June 19, 2006
7abbet tests keda...a3taked enaha wes3et menny 7abba..ALLAH yesam7ek ya walaa
You're 32% evil
A bit of evil lurks in your heart, but you hide it well.
In some ways, you are the most dangerous kind of evil.
A bit of evil lurks in your heart, but you hide it well.
In some ways, you are the most dangerous kind of evil.
Sunday, June 18, 2006
بلا سبب
.لشد ما يفزعنى البكاء بدون سبب. أعطنى سببا قويا للبكاء, هذا ما أفهمه
لكن أن أغلق تلك الرواية لأحدق فى الفراغ, و تبدأ تلك الدموع فى الانهمار دون أدنى
... سيطرة فهذا ما لا أفهمه
بل و أخشاه كالموت ذاته
Saturday, June 17, 2006
...كننا نقف فى أقصى ركن للقاعة نتبادل الكلمات
...كنت أرى الناس مبتسمة فرحة, والمناضد تعلوها تلك المفارش
...و لكن هذا الشعور بالظمأ يقتلنى
... أرى فى صدر القاعة هذان الكرسيان المذهبان, انهما لى أنا و أنت
...أراها -فى فستانها الأبيض- تتأبط ذراعى
...أبتسم لها
...فتضحك لى ضحكتها المشرقة التى جعلتنى أذوب فى هواها
...و لكن دائما هذا هذا الشعور بالظمأ يقتلنى
فجأة...لم أشعر بما حولى
,رأيت الناس تركض فى كل صوب
...و شعرت بالأرض تميد تحت قدماى
...و اذ أرقد على الأرض شاخص العينان, أشعر بها تسند رأسى على ذراعيها
...و شعرت بدموعها تسقط على وجنتاى, و تتسرب الى فمى
...لتروى ظمأى
so nice
wouldn't it b soo cool to return as a ghost after death
and kick u all out U FREAKS
NB : mesh asdy 7ad men elblog...di thought
and kick u all out U FREAKS
NB : mesh asdy 7ad men elblog...di thought
Friday, June 16, 2006
Timeline "when idiots try to make a movie"
so ady sa3teen men 7ayaty da3o haba2an
begad dool sa3teen 3omry maha3raf astarge3hom
wat the hell was that movie???
2 hours of bullshit
eltamseel zebala, welkessa ya3ny estohleket we el7abka elderameyya matboo7'a
la2 welly zad we 3'atta gaybeen momasel el accent beta3to scottish we wa7ed tany sooto mesh laye2 ma3a shaklo
sa7ee7 a7'er 5 mins ash3aroony bas ha we ba3deen
elestefada elwa7eeda enno fadaly 698 mega we da shee2 3azeem
ahoh sably makan 7abba 3shan elhard 7'alas hayenfager ba3d el moviez elly nazeltaha elesboo3 da "city of god, old boy, 12 monkeys, wicker park, pirates of the caribbean, edward scissor hands, and seven"
yanhar abyad...dool sab3a!!
ya3eeny hatla2y elly ma3aya fel3emara mesh shayfeen net
ana da7'el anam ba2a
tesba7o 3ala 7'eer...we ed3ooly da vinci code ye7'las
begad dool sa3teen 3omry maha3raf astarge3hom
wat the hell was that movie???
2 hours of bullshit
eltamseel zebala, welkessa ya3ny estohleket we el7abka elderameyya matboo7'a
la2 welly zad we 3'atta gaybeen momasel el accent beta3to scottish we wa7ed tany sooto mesh laye2 ma3a shaklo
sa7ee7 a7'er 5 mins ash3aroony bas ha we ba3deen
elestefada elwa7eeda enno fadaly 698 mega we da shee2 3azeem
ahoh sably makan 7abba 3shan elhard 7'alas hayenfager ba3d el moviez elly nazeltaha elesboo3 da "city of god, old boy, 12 monkeys, wicker park, pirates of the caribbean, edward scissor hands, and seven"
yanhar abyad...dool sab3a!!
ya3eeny hatla2y elly ma3aya fel3emara mesh shayfeen net
ana da7'el anam ba2a
tesba7o 3ala 7'eer...we ed3ooly da vinci code ye7'las
Thursday, June 15, 2006
بلا فائدة
كلما حاولت أتضح لى أنه بلا فائدة
"يذكرنى الأمر ب" سيزيف
مهما بذلت من مجهود لدفع هذه الصخرة الى أعلى الجبل, ينتهى بى الأمر بمشاهدتها تدحرج الى الأرض ثانية
لم الاستمرار؟؟؟
و لماذا أحاول من البداية؟؟؟
ما النفع الذى سيعود على؟؟؟
هى تريد الرحيل
...هى أختارته
...أعتقد اننى يجب أن أفسح لها الطريق
Friday, June 09, 2006
تلك التجاعيد
...كنت دوما أرمق أسفل المنضدة
كنت أنظر - و أنا بعد فى السادسة - الى تلك الزخارف المحفورة فى أرجلها الضخمة آنذاك
...كان الفضول يقتلنى لأرى ما عليها من أشياء هى حتما جميلة
كنت أحاول التعلق بالكراسى حولها, و عندما أفشل, أغرس أناملى الصغيرة فى تلك الزخارف و أحاول تسلقها
...كنت دائم التطلع الى الجلوس وسط الكبار و مشاركتهم الطعام
و مرت السنون و أنضممت الى مجالسهم, لكن, مالى لا أرى السطح لامعا مثلما كان بالأمس؟؟؟
متى ظهرت تلك الأخاديد التى شقت طريقها وسط السطح؟
...انى -اذ أقترب- أرى تفاصيلها القبيحة كاملة
أرى تلك الشبكة المعقدة التى تكونها
أرى هذا الوجه بين تفاصيلها
...أرى وجهى بين هذه الشقوق
!و أى وجه أرى
...ليتنى بقيت أتحسس طريقى وسط الزخارف
Thursday, June 08, 2006
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
من جديد
.........لا أعرف لماذا عادت الى -اليوم- تلك الكلمات لتطرق على أبواب أفكارى
و فى جسدى تسرى الرجفة
انظر اليكى فى نفس الوقفة
...و أتوه بين الوديان
و فى جسدى تسرى الرجفة
انظر اليكى فى نفس الوقفة
...و أتوه بين الوديان
تتزاحم الكلمات فى عقلى
تتصارع للخروج
...تحتجز وراء شفتان منطبقتان
ليكون مصيرها النسيان
...و تخرج الكلمات غير مسموعة
...و تنطلق الكلمات الممنوعة
...ليكون مصيرها النسيان
Monday, June 05, 2006
anger rage within
rememberin every sin
tryin to b free...
wat did he see?
slamming every door
breakin through the walls...
wat did he see?t
here by the sea
and still all the people are so far away
and still every thing changes
nothing will ever stay
and um sittin there reminiscing every day
crossin every line
nothin was ever fine
was it really me?
who was there by the sea..
killin every need
waitin untill i bleed
tryin to break free
will it ever be
and still the truth of fear is so far away
and still every thing changes
but the pain will always stay
and u and me -my friend- are now in separate ways
and now that the truth is near
nothin's still clear
rememberin every sin
tryin to b free...
wat did he see?
slamming every door
breakin through the walls...
wat did he see?t
here by the sea
and still all the people are so far away
and still every thing changes
nothing will ever stay
and um sittin there reminiscing every day
crossin every line
nothin was ever fine
was it really me?
who was there by the sea..
killin every need
waitin untill i bleed
tryin to break free
will it ever be
and still the truth of fear is so far away
and still every thing changes
but the pain will always stay
and u and me -my friend- are now in separate ways
and now that the truth is near
nothin's still clear
6:26 am
still have nothing important to do except hearing "CAMEL"
these guys rule...
tryin to impress this or that
y do i do it in the first place??
if they wont know the real me then its useless
so i have nothing to do now, so i guess um gonna chitchat with me for a while then go sleep
what the hell am i getting at????
these guys rule...
tryin to impress this or that
y do i do it in the first place??
if they wont know the real me then its useless
so i have nothing to do now, so i guess um gonna chitchat with me for a while then go sleep
what the hell am i getting at????
Sunday, June 04, 2006
lessa 2a3ed bardo 3ala el computer nafs ela3da beta3et elsanateen elly fato...
mesha3'al norah jones...we fate7 elshebak 3shan yegebly nesma so7'na we ba3deen yel7a2ny be nesma sa23a te2ash3arny...
bas elmarra di ana mesh bafakar fe enny hashofha bokrah...
elmarra di ana a3ed ba7awel mados-sh 3ala esmaha 3andy fel list we akalemha...
we fe nafs elwa2t a3ed bafteker kol la7za fatet le3'ayet makont 2a3ed bazaker men nos sa3a...
sho3oor 3'areeb bel ra7a lamma astaslem lelya2s...
sho3oor bey7'awefny...
sho3oor 3'areeb bel ra7a lamma atawaka3 elaswa2 we a3eesh fe salam da7'ely tam ma3ah...we ab2a mabsoot beeh kaman...
ana 3omry ma7aseet enny ka2eeb, wala 7aseet enny mo3akad aw enny banaked nafsy...
3omry ma 7aseet enny da3eef zay delwa2ty...dayman kont bamasel enny akwa men keda...
ta2reeban ana lessa mesh 3arefny
mesha3'al norah jones...we fate7 elshebak 3shan yegebly nesma so7'na we ba3deen yel7a2ny be nesma sa23a te2ash3arny...
bas elmarra di ana mesh bafakar fe enny hashofha bokrah...
elmarra di ana a3ed ba7awel mados-sh 3ala esmaha 3andy fel list we akalemha...
we fe nafs elwa2t a3ed bafteker kol la7za fatet le3'ayet makont 2a3ed bazaker men nos sa3a...
sho3oor 3'areeb bel ra7a lamma astaslem lelya2s...
sho3oor bey7'awefny...
sho3oor 3'areeb bel ra7a lamma atawaka3 elaswa2 we a3eesh fe salam da7'ely tam ma3ah...we ab2a mabsoot beeh kaman...
ana 3omry ma7aseet enny ka2eeb, wala 7aseet enny mo3akad aw enny banaked nafsy...
3omry ma 7aseet enny da3eef zay delwa2ty...dayman kont bamasel enny akwa men keda...
ta2reeban ana lessa mesh 3arefny
2allak ba2a en elemte7an hayeegy sa3b giddan
we 2allak kaman 7'odo el talat teyam we nos dool 3shan te3raf tezaker feehom
wana zakert men elsa3a 10 le 2
tab ha3mel ana eih tayeb???
2allak kaman nesbet elso2oot 73% welragel mesh hayedeeko 2a3mal sana...
7aga wa7da bas kan na2es ye2olha...
e7na han2ala3ko ya wlad we hanet7arrash beeko..we da hayeb2a elemte7an ela7'rany
we 2allak kaman 7'odo el talat teyam we nos dool 3shan te3raf tezaker feehom
wana zakert men elsa3a 10 le 2
tab ha3mel ana eih tayeb???
2allak kaman nesbet elso2oot 73% welragel mesh hayedeeko 2a3mal sana...
7aga wa7da bas kan na2es ye2olha...
e7na han2ala3ko ya wlad we hanet7arrash beeko..we da hayeb2a elemte7an ela7'rany